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Tampilkan postingan dengan label tag. Tampilkan semua postingan

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2022



Hello Guys, meet me again. In this special day Mr would like to teach you about Questions Tag. Secara definisi ini adalah sebuah kalimat pertanyaan namun dengan diikuti penegasan. Makna lain dari Question Tag ini adalah sebuah pertanyaan singkat yang diikuti oleh sebuah konfirmasi.

Mari kita lihat contoh penggunaannya

Dengan memakai Auxiliary Verb To.Be

Positive Negative
You are my hair stylist, aren't you?

  Dengan memakai kata kerja murni

Negative Positive
She doesn't like the party, does She?


Kalian dapat lihat pada contoh diatas. Terdapat 2 variasi kalimat dimana yang awal adalah kalimat positive dengan Question Tagnya dalam bentuk negative dan yang kedua kalimat negative dengan Question Tagnya dalam bentuk positive.


*Note: yang patut kalian perhatikan adalah penggunaan kata kerja atau kata kerja bantunya yah guys. Karena nantinya kata kerja tersebut akan menjadi Question Tagnya.


Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh lainnya dimana kalimat pertama positif;

Positif = (tagnya) Negatif

Jenis Tensesnya Positive Negative
Present Tense You like avocado juice, don't you?
Past Tense She went to Yogja, didn't she?
Future Tense They will be back from the U.K, won't they?
Auxiliary To.Be We are at the hotel, aren't we?
Present Continuous/Progressive Tense He is restarting the PC, isn't he?
Present Perfect I have finished the work, haven't I?
Auxiliary Modals Fathir can do the homework by himself, can't he?
They should visit the doctor, shouldn't they?


Sekarang mari kita lihat dimana kalimat negatifnya di depan;

Negatif = (tagnya) Positif

Jenis Tensesnya Negative Positive
Present Tense You don't like avocado juice, do you?
Past Tense She didn't go to Yogja, did she?
Future Tense They won't be back from the U.K, will they?
Auxiliary To.Be We aren't at the hotel, are we?
Present Continuous/Progressive Tense He isn't restarting the PC, is he?
Present Perfect I haven't finished the work, have I?
Auxiliary Modals Fathir can't do the homework by himself, can he?
They shouldn't visit the doctor, should they?

Beberapa pengecualian:

Jika terdapat kalimat yang menggunakan "I" untuk negatifnya bukanlah "Am not I" melainkan "Aren't I"  
"I'm the only one who succeded the exam, arent I?"

Jika terdapat kalimat ajakan, "Let's go" gunakan "Shall we". 


"Let's go to the library, shall we?"

Jika terdapat kalimat Imperative (perintah atau ajakan),    


"Pass the salt, will you?" (will you digunakan sedikit kurang sopan)

"Come here, won't you?" (won't you digunakan bila ingin sopan)

Jika dalam kata kerja terdapat kata kerja "Have" yang berarti memiliki berarti kata tersebut termasuk kata yang tagnya menggunakan kata kerja bantu Auxiliary To.Do.                            


"We have so many trees in our yard, don't we?"

Jika dalam kata kerja terdapat kata; Nobody, somebody, no one, everybody, someone, atau everyone. Maka kita gunakan pronoun tagnya "they"


"Nobody lives here, do they?"

"Someone knocks the door, don't they?"

Jika terdapat kata "Nothing". Maka kita gunakan pronoun tagnya "it"


"Nothing ever happens, does it?"

"Nothing bad happened, did it?"

Jika menggunakan kata "Used to". Maka kita gunakan "did"


"She used to work here, didn't she?"

"They used to clean the class, didn't they?"

Ok guys, mungkin cukup sekian dari Mr yah. kalo ada pertanyaan atau komentar silahkan isi dikolom komentar yah. Thanks

Mr tutup dengan sebuah quote: 

“The better you feel about yourself, The less you feel the need to show off.” (Anonymous)

Bila kalian mau latihan secara Audio-Visual silahkan klik ini Question Tag Exercise

"English Grammar Quiz for Beginner-Advance Level"

The Questions Tag Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you’ve learned on The Questions Tag page. Please choose the right answer.


1. She won’t know the news, … ?.

does she?
will she?

2. The students can answer the questions, ...?

can't they?
can't he?

3. Jonathan and you drove to the country side last week, ...?

didn't he?
didn't you?

4. He hasn't put your name on the scholarship list, ...?

does he?
has he?

5. Anton isn't taking a bath in his grandma's house, ...?

does he?
is he?

Your score is:

Correct answers:

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