Checking for Understanding and Asking for Clarification in English
Source: Photo by Heather McKeen, |
Haloooo Guys, Keep on learning OK :)
Kelas hari ini Mr akan menjelaskan tentang Checking for Understanding and Asking for Clarification in English, yang artinya memeriksa pemahaman dan meminta klarifikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Pelajaran ini sangat berguna terutama kalian yang duduk di bangku kelas 8 SMP/MTS.
Pembelajaran kali ini terbagi menjadi 4 bagian, let’s go
A. Checking for Understanding:
Do you understand?
Are you following me?
Got it?
Have you understood?
Do you understand what I’m saying?
Do you understand what I mean?
Any questions?
B. Expressing lack of understanding:
Sorry, I don’t understand
I don’t quite follow you
I’m not sure I got your point
What do you mean?
I’m sorry. I didn’t quite hear what you said
I beg your pardon, but I still don’t get it
C. Asking for clarification
To put it differently …
Let me clarify it for you …
Sorry, let me explain …
Ok, let me put it in another way …
D. Showing understanding
I got it
I understand
I understood
I know what you mean
Ok, I got what you mean
I’m with you
Oh, I see
Ok guys sekian materi hari ini semoga bermanfaat yah. Jangan lupa latihannya dikerjakan yah. Bye
"English Grammar Quiz for Beginner until Advance Level"
The Checking for Understanding Quiz
You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you’ve learned on the Checking for Understanding lesson
Students: "Yes, we do, mister"