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Selasa, 26 Juli 2022

Be Going To atau Simple Present Continuous

 Tense sebagai

Simple Future Tense


Source: thanks to Pixabay

OK suka denger yah guys, di film-film Western “I’m gonna find you, I’m gonna go now, dan she’s gonna fly to L.A today.” Nah itulah Be going to setelah menjadi bahasa Slank/pergaulan.


Kalimat yang sebenarnya adalah, “I am going to find you, I’m going to go now (menggunakan contraction/disingkat), She is going to fly to L.A (bukan Lembang Asri yah tapi Los Angeles :)).


Be going to pada penggunaannya merupakan sebuah ekspresi untuk menyatakan hal yang sudah kita RENCANAKAN/Planned untuk dilakukan di masa nanti. Penggunaannya pun akan sering terjadi pada sebuah conversation/percakapan.


Sedangkan Will digunakan untuk hal yang tiba-tiba terjadi atau spontan tanpa direncanakan. Sebagai contoh simaklah sebuah percakapan berikut;


In a café, there are two friends who have just arrived and they want to order some drinks.


Amel: Ok, I’m going to order a cup of coffee, how about you?


Tuti: Hemmm, that sounds good, I think I will order the same with you.


Nah gmana sudah terasa makna dan perbedaanya bukan:) setelah Mr pernah jelaskan tentang penggunaan Simple Future Tense. Sekarang saatnya Mr jelaskan penggunaan Be Going To atau Simple Present Continuous Tense sebagai Future Tense.


 Untuk lebih lengkapnya seperti ini;


I am going to …

You are going to …

We are going to …

They are going to …

He is going to …

She is going to …

It is going to …


Pada penggunaanya setelah To kalian bisa gunakan kata kerja Verb 1 (kata kerja bentuk pertama tanpa perubahan apapun) atau langsung tempatnya


To + Verb 1 : They are going to respond the questions tomorrow

To + Place : He is going to Bali this afternoon


Pada kalimat diatas penggunaan time signal yang berarti Future Tense (kala yang akan datang) dapat digunakan.


Formule yang digunakan adalah:


Subject + Be Going To + Verb 1/ Noun (place) + Adverb


Affirmative (+)        : I am going to cook dinner tonight

Negative (-)             : I am not going to cook dinner tonight

Interrogative (?)     : Are you going to cook dinner tonight?

Positive answer      : Yes, I am

Negative answer    : No, I am not


Baik mungkin cukup sekian dari Mr, Guys. Bilamana ada pertanyaan atau komentar silahkan tuliskan di kolom komentar OK. Thanks Guys, have a nice day.

Writer: Mr. Dikky 

"English Grammar Quiz for Beginner-Advance Level"

The Be Going To Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you’ve learned on The Simple Present Continuous Tense as Future page. Please choose the right answer.


1. Susan ... going to exercise her ability next monday (negatif).


2. The children ... ... ... school tomorrow.

is going to
are going to

3. Herzl and Frey ... ... ... the Movie Theater next sunday (negatif).

isn't going to
aren't going to

4. ... She going to paint in the Louvre studio next week?


5. ... You going to drive that old bike?


Your score is:

Correct answers:

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I'm a Professional Private English Teacher. I've been teaching English for more than 15 years. I'm an excited person, family lover, and technology enthusiast. Contact me

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